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The Holidays.


Are you more of a Summer or a Winter person?

I want to say Winter but I live in Tucson.

But I’m still going to say Winter because it’s my favorite.

The mornings are cooler and the nights are coming sooner.

People seem to be nicer.

Even the ones that bitch about stores putting out decorations too early.

It’s okay Scrooge, we know you secretly love it.

Why else would you go to the store with all these home delivery options available?

We all go to see the decorations. And hear the music. And smell the Christmas trees.

Our Halloween décor goes up September 1st.

Our Christmas tree goes up November 1st.

Here in Tucson, we have Summer and a cooler Summer.

So we have to make the holidays appear or else it would be one long Summer.

You come into my house in September and there’s Jack-O-Lanterns and apple cinnamon candles going.

I love the holidays.

I always remember our house being so decorated when we were growing up.

That’s one of the many traits I got from my mother, and one of my favorites.

I love waking up to lights and décor.

The house feels lighter when it’s filled with love.

What about where you live?

Does it snow there?

We’ve got some snow last year!

It was magical.

Lord, we’ve been good, give us some more this year.


When does your tree go up?

I personally like the way it looks all lit up during Thanksgiving dinner.

It’s the simple things in life that make us the happiest, isn’t it?

Just let me have my fake tree with lights and I promise I’ll be much easier to be around.

Same with Halloween.

Let me have a pile of pumpkins and my cinnamon candles and life will be good.

It’s the feeling it gives off, ya know?

Picture this: you wake up. It’s chilly in the room but you’re under warm, freshly washed sheets. You so don’t want to leave bed but you have to. You get out of bed and are immediately hit with the crisp fall air that’s replaced the Summer humidity. You stretch and rub your eyes before heading out to the kitchen to make your morning coffee. You grab your seasonal mug and start the coffee machine. You breathe in the smell of fresh, strong coffee and look around. Your house is clean. There’s orange pumpkins and a fall wreath above your fireplace. Behind the smell of coffee you can smell the faint smell of the cinnamon apple candle you lit yesterday. You pour your pumpkin spice creamer into your coffee before taking it to your favorite spot on the couch. You barely open the window to see the sun coming up. Everyone else is still sleeping. It’s quiet. The only noise there is is coming from the dog who has snuggled up next to you after following you from bed. You smile and take your first sip of coffee and realize, today is going to be a good day.

Because let’s be honest, it’s a hell of a lot easier to have a good day when it’s started off right.

Have you ever woken up late and just laid in bed after looking at the clock and being like, “yep, this day is going to suck.”

Try waking up earlier to get that time in.

Some people workout or do yoga.

Some people go outside and garden.

Some people read a book or journal.

Some people listen to a podcast.

I’ve even heard that some people wakeup and make tea.

Whatever it is, do it for you.

Put those decorations up.

Set your alarm for fifteen minutes earlier.

Wake up early, light that candle and drink that coffee.

And have comfort in knowing that, no matter what is going on in the world, we always have the holidays.

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